Pages Tagged with website
About Us
Random Sequence was started by Johnnie Walker in 2002.
We are a small creative studio based in Edinburgh, Scotland. We create web sites built with web standards and useful software for Mac OS X & Apps for iPhone OS.
Web Design
We make web sites designed with modern standards.
Random Sequence has designed and implemented dozens of websites and intranets. Our projects are database-backed, content-managed sites, allowing clients to perform their own updates.
If you’d like us to bring our experience to your website, please get in touch
NVA is an environmental arts charity based in Glasgow, Scotland. Their dramatic imagery from past projects were a great starting point for this project.
McGarry-Moon Architects
Website for Northern Ireland based McGarry-Moon Architects
Claire O'Flaherty
A blog-style portfolio for Claire O’Flaherty, a Perthshire based artist.
Highlights from 2007
It’s been a busy, industrious year here at Random Sequence. Below is a summary of the highlights.
7N Architects
Website for new Edinburgh Architecture practice 7N.
New website for Edinburgh based architectural lighting designers, LDPi
Optimised Environments
Portfolio website for multidisciplinary landscape & urban design company